Wednesday, September 3, 2008

new bike and eager eyes

i am now officially an urban cyclist! i bought an old raleigh marathon; it's beautiful and probably from the 80s. wouldn't it be lovely if my bike and i were the same age? i will do more research on it tomorrow at work.

as for furniture, i am on the prowl. i've made a list of things i want by the time i move in, and have been trolling. craigslist seems to be going on an up and down swing, but recently there is a ton of stuff i LOVE - and almost nothing i can afford! see exhibits a, b and c:

incredible tables that i want for my bedside:

i actually went to see these and was underwhelmed. they were in the cambridge antique market, where i picked up my bike.

then there is this couch, which is the PERFECT counterfoil to my sectional:

i am in love with it. but i called the seller to ask if she would be willing to sell the couch separately, and she said i needed to find two friends who wanted the couches. sigh.

and, finally, the perfect desk, although luckily i think it is too big for my space so i can cease to pine:

now: i am a craigslist purist. i find it mildly insulting to sell things on the website for more than, say, $300, except for MAYBE cars. (maybe.) it's not a highbrow site; this is not the place. however, collectors are now posting shit on the site, as are consigners, people are doing the research and finding out that they have a vintage heywood wakefield coffee table, and prices are soaring. where has the deal gone? i ask you.

in other news: how hard do you think this would be to make?

because i love it. show me a person who doesn't need a tufted velvet headboard, and i will show you a person who is not living life to the fullest of its wonder.

also, in the works for this site: redesign. (or rather, first design.) coming hopefully soon! i need to brush up on my code, and design programs generally. but i think it will be fun.

p.s. managing the stress a little better. i made my lists, i toned it down on the weekends, i rocked this long weekend, and here it is almost the end of the week and things have gone fabulously without my really paying attention. i finally repotted that begonia, and (insofar as this is a possibility for a flower trying to hold it down under fluorescent lighting) it looks fly.

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